Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Paris... I have fallen for thee. I

Notre Dame de Paris. Elle est belle.
Our Lady of Paris.  She is beautiful.  

Sunday, August 22, 2010


So I'm in Scotland. Staying in Inverness with Sarah and some of her family here. It's Pure Dead Brilliant.

( for some silly reason i can't add pictures on this computer... i'll have them up soon )

Friday, July 16, 2010

Tom's Show Us Your Tan Contest

So I entered this contest to win a $75 gift certificate for showing off your Tom's tan. I don't think I'll win anything at all but at least I'd enter, just for fun, you know... couldn't hurt.

Check out my entry:

Thursday, July 15, 2010

ze Garden do

My garden is growing off the hilt and I should have cucumbers bursting forth very soon.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

La Loch Ness et les Crêpes au futur

What would have i thought when i first imagined this summer? --> WORK.work.WORK and yep more work. Things haven't really panned out how expected. au contrair mon ami, I will, in fact, work very hard this summer but not for long. I just recently came to my attention that God has other plans for me unbeknownst to me. Instead of being here in slo for the whole summer, i'm going to Inverness, Scotland and Paris, France with Sarah(http://musingsofasimplesojourner.blogspot.com/). This should be awesome! I'm so excited. we get to spend about 2 weeks up in Scotland and then about a week in Paris. how wonderful is this. I feel extremely blessed to be able to go experience something like this. Though i would ask that if you read this, please pray for both Sarah and myself as we travel around and catch flights. I ask that you pray for wisdom, safety, energy, and just an ability to be filled with the Holy spirit as we live in totally unfamiliar places, places where we can be constantly and intentionally on mission. Thanks.

I don't leave until the 11th of August so hopefully I'll get to see and talk about this with anyone who reads this and wants to talk and see me. ha. I return le quatre de septembre (sept 4)- just brushing up on my french and my world current events.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Wedding with ze Friends

So like I said before, I went to a wedding this last weekend for my bible study leader, Cole and his now wife, Hannah. It was such sweet wedding. Apart from a getting to see such wonderful people get hitched, having so many of my closest friends there made the wedding experience top the charts. I'll explain, this is the first of many weddings, it seems, where I'll be seeing the people whom I'm very friends with get married...That means that the weddings are really fun.
meet some of my best friends here in slo.( their names will pop up later under their own individual portrait)

Megan and Zack

Megan W
Megan K
me and Michael

Sunday, June 20, 2010


I went to a wedding this weekend in Bakersfield...so naturally before the wedding we made good use of the extra time by shooting shotguns!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Saga Continues: Greenery or (something something, how does your garden grow; adolescences)

lemon cucumbers
spinachio on top and strawberries on bottom
lemon cucs and tomatos on bottom

my garden has a neighbor: greg and our friend ciara( pronounced kira, she's irish) put a garden right next door to mine with some great stuff. zuccini, jalapenos, basil, and more tomatoes.
close up on the basil. cosmos in the background

check out the massive spinach!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

encore Bobby McFerrin

Dad will like this one!

Pure Talent

Bobby McFerrin
This could quite possibly be thee most remarkable video I've ever seen/heard! It's hard to fathom such talent. Enjoy.