Tuesday, April 27, 2010


So I thought I'd give you a little peek into what I'm doing in school right now. To give you some background, every week, I do work in a lab for a class studying the properties of viruses. This past week, we worked with a virus called T4 Bacteriaphage to observe the action of transduction: the transfer of non-viral DNA from one bacterial host to anther via a viral vector(carrier).


"In this lab, properties of transduction were tested for and observed. Horizontal transfer of non-viral DNA between two distinct strains of bacteria via bacteriophage infection was the ideal observation. We attempted to identify the correct titer that produces useful viral plaques. This was accomplished by taking a strain of bacteria that was antibiotic-resistant, infecting it with a virus known for its transduction capabilities, then infect a new antibiotic-sensitive bacterial strain with the same virus. Testing for levels of transducibility, dependent upon location of the tranducible material: host genome, plasmids, or unknown coliphages. We expect to see incongruity in levels of transduction. Because we are studying the transfer of non viral-DNA, we hope to see growth of the antibiotic-sensitive strain in the presence of antibiotic; indicating successful transduction of specific antibiotic resistance markers originally found in the first strain."

That's what I will put in my report, or at least a revised version of that. Basically what it is saying is that we'll grow a culture bacteria that are resistant to an antibiotic, then infect that with bacteria that will hopefully, during replication and transcription of the viral DNA within the cell, pick up some of the DNA that has antibiotic resistance. Then when we isolate that virus out and infect a strain of bacteria known to be susceptible to antibiotics, the virus will then, again, hopefully transfer some of its DNA again to the new bacteria wherein we can test to see if that bacteria will then grow up on an antibiotic media. That's what all the quoted stuff meant.

It sounds interesting but the thing about all of this is that there's really nothing to see ever. On occasion, you'll get to see some turbid(cloudy) mess in a test tube but really it's not all that great.

Anyway, I just thought whoever reads this might want to know a little more about what I do here at school. I'm pretty removed from everything most of the year so I thought that might be a kinda interesting for some of you.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Wesley & Helen (sequel to Wesley and Moises)

The next morning we woke up late
and went on over to good ol' Sally Loo's Wholesome Cafe (where Sarah works) and then they were off. It was quite the whirl wind tour of the CA coast via the Chungleground Railroad but I'm sure
that it was a huge success, at least my leg of the trip was. Amen.

Here's some pictures i got of us at Sally Loo's and at ma maison.

Zo... Ze Garden Beginz (something something quite contrary, how does your garden grow?)

I put together my garden the other day in the back yard, put down the soil, sowed the seeds, and became one more man to experience/endure the curse upon man instigated by Adam in Genesis III. I must say it's wonderful to have some ownership of something. I feel like I'm a home owner. ha. I also love the fact that after X number of days I'm going to have a great little garden flourishing with the following: Spinach, red peppers, strawberries (by Sarah's request), chives, basil, lemon cucumbers, and some cosmos for a splash of colour.

I'll keep everyone updated as to how my garden grows! I'm pretty excited.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Boris Smile ~ ze rockets EP

I attended a great Boris Smile show about three weeks ago and took some shots of Wes and the band. I am still working on some of them but this is just to tell those of you that check this occasionally that i'm still working and i haven't forgotten about it.

Here's one I liked of wesley emerging from the darkness. More to come soon. Too busy with studying viruses this quarter to do much editing. Ha... i say that like i know how to edit.