Saturday, March 24, 2012

Photo dump- finished

Just an update on what I actually look like.  I realized that I'm not in any of my photos because I'm the one taking all the photos.  So here's my moustachio and me.  Where else can i have a mustache other than France.  come on.

See more by clicking READ MORE in the bottom left.

c'est "le chat"- this is "le chat" pronounce le (L- ueh, same as the "oo" in book, shaw = le chat= the cat). She was climbing in the tree next to me as I worked outside shoveling compost. She was trying to find the little birdies in the birdhouse seen at Left.  Such a sweet petit chat.
wood carvings on an old fallen tree in the park near the Kings's citadel.  
Larger view of the tree carvings. soo cool.
The French 99%. ha.  My friend Alex was telling me that America always wins.  Always takes over.  This grous used to have another name that was more French but now, as you can see, they've adopted the American struggle and name.  hahah. He is right. 
Just some delicious buns in a bakery. NOT WHOLLY REPRESENTATIVE OF TRUE LES BOULANGERIES FRANÇAISES but still very tasty.  This little shop was famous in Lille for its meringues.  oh so good.  so creamy. so incredibly decadent. ha 
Le grand Porte de Paris, build around the time of all the great arches in France.  It used to serve as the entry point to France du Nord (of the North)in Lille and points toward the capital of le pay (pay-ee, the country).
A great moment in my French experience, trying des macarones for the first time near the grand place de cití centre à lille. Also one of the first days I actually felt confident with my French in the city.  
Absolutely delicious!!!!!
Some weird architecture near the citadel. 
This is Alexandre.  I met him in Forest. He is a biologist who lives in Lille.  He offered to take me around Lille if I was around in the city.  I went out on a limb and called him up and it was great. He took me around the city and we walked and talked all day.  He loves politics, is very open-minded, rolls his own cigarettes, knows just about every mid 20's person in lille. He's good guy. Really easy to talk to.  He knew more English than I knew French and made it so we could speak pretty fluidly.  It was a good day.  snuck a photo while he was on the phone. i know i shoulda just asked to have a photo taken with him.  
A small pond in the middle of the Forêt de Phalempin, the forest next to my WWOOFing home.  very serene. 
The chandelier inside the Théatre Sébâstopol where i saw Feist and M. Ward.  
Alison and me in Lille.  She was my couch surfing host for the night after the Feist.  She usually doesn't host people but I told her what music I liked, the I could probably quote everything from Arrested Development, and that I only needed a spot for night because I had tickets to the Feist concert, and those facts changed her mind instantly.  She was a great host.  She took around the city in the morning for bit.  Really easy going. Wonderful experience with couch surfing. would do it again if in a bind.  

1 comment:

  1. Such fun adventures! So glad you're feeling better.
